Madison + Sebastian

My marketing extraordinaire and dear friend, Madison, devotes every waking moment to her true calling of teaching and advocating for special needs children. Through our close friendship and business partnership, I’ve witnessed her rare brand of radical kindness and compassion firsthand. She’s the first person you call when you need someone in your corner or a shoulder to lean on.

Madison leads with an open heart. Her gentle words lift up friends and strangers alike – she makes all people better versions of themselves. I remember even getting misty-eyed during marketing calls hearing Madison gush about her new soulmate, Sebastian. Though shy, she described him as brilliant and hilarious; her tone revealed a profound emotional connection.

During our session, their wholesome love became even more evident. With Madison’s sparkling laughter and playful energy, bashful Sebastian soon shed all self-consciousness between candid shots. Her spirit draws people out, giving them the warmth and space to glow as their true selves.

This is essentially a story of how spectacular Madison is. But it also shows how her superpowers of nurturing and accepting others sends her soulmate, and lucky photographers like myself, over the moon. We get wrapped in the orbit of her greatness. She thinks creatively about ways to transform systemic problems, bringing an innovative perspective to the table. Madison’s passion for improving special education, drives her advocacy for reforming an outdated approach to learning differences. Madison has the vision and proactive mindset to implement positive changes that could greatly benefit children from all walks of life.

With all of her empathy and grit, it’s easy to understand why anyone near Madison can’t help but fall hopelessly, endlessly in love. She is the kindness person I know and a force to be reckoned with.



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PHOTOS BY Kiku Ishimoto Photography